Plastic Parts Finishing

In any industry, quality control is deemed to be one of the most important aspects of the process. Especially when it comes to plastic part manufacturing, no matter how seamless your processes are or how efficient your plastic injection molds are, there will always be a few times when things will not go your way. This is precisely what quality control is for. It allows you to control the way your products are produced before they are released to clients. This way, you can ensure that product-wise, your clients are 100% satisfied. What kind of common defects do you need to watch out for during the quality control process?

Burn Marks

When the gas sizes or vents are not enough for the process, it causes excess heat to build up. Because of this, the end product tends to have some discoloration in the affected areas.


Some plastic parts may come out with colors different from what is initially expected. This happens when the master batch is not perfectly blended or mixed. Most of the time, the discoloration is not at all severe.


Sometimes, excess material goes out with the product. These excess plastic parts are called flash. This is often the easiest defect to fix after production.

Flow Marks

Flow marks are a result of distorted areas within the mold leaving evident signs on the plastic product’s surface. Although it does not affect the mold’s functionality, it affects the aesthetics of the product.

Short Shots

When short shots occur, the plastic parts that come out lack a few components or features, making it completely useless. This could be caused by wrong temperatures, insufficient restrictive flow size, insufficient pressure, too much air trapped inside the mold cavity, the mold’s premature solidification, and a lot more. When you have a solid quality control process, these defects can be easily caught the moment they happen. This means that you have the chance to rectify the situation and avoid further waste of materials and added costs. Let your quality control go, and you might end up with batches of products that you will not be able to sell. And should these defective products reach the hands of clients, you immediately lose their trust. Take care of your credibility as a manufacturer by building a solid quality control team. Make your quality control process seamless, and end up not only meeting, but exceeding client expectations once your products are delivered.